


Our health is the only thing in life that matters, as without good health we are unable to do the things we love and to truly experience fulfillment.

 I identify what is holding you body back from reaching perfect health by stimulating your body’s own healing potential.

I look at all aspects of your self; structural, emotional, metaphysical and spiritual, to help relieve symptoms of pain and dis-ease.

Your healing is complete when you have fully retrieved and deeply know the true aspect of yourself, who you really are.


Are you experiencing:


Anxiety or PTSD

Chronic fatigue


Stomach or digestion problems

Menstrual irregularities or pain?


Symptoms such as these are a sign that your inner stress levels are too high and your body is sending you a signal that something is out of Balance.





 Your health is a stream. When you are well, your stream is crystal clear and flowing easily.  Illness is your stream filled with debris blocking your flow.